copies of papers are provided for personal use only. Copyright remains with the publisher
Stephen, I D, Burke D & Sulikowski D (2017). Health Cues. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychology
Burke D, Sulikowski D, Stephen I D & Brooks R (2017). Inconsistent with the data: Support for the CLASH model depends on the wrong kind of latitude. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40:e80 (pdf)
Stephen, I D, Burke, D & Sulikowski, D (2017). Tinbergen’s “four questions” provides a formal framework for a more complete understanding of prosocial biases in favour of attractive people. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. DOI:
Stephen, I D, Burke D & Sulikowski D (2016). Caruthers on massive modularity. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychology doi
Woo, K L, Guillaume, R & Burke D. (2016). Computer-animated stimuli to measure motion sensitivity: constraints on signal design in the Jacky dragon. Current Zoology, (pdf)
Russell, F & Burke, D (2016). Conditional same/different concept learning in the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus). Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 105, 133-154 (pdf)
Wagstaff, D, Sulikowski, D, & Burke, D (2015). Sex-differences in preference for looking at the face or body in short-term and long-term mating contexts. Evolution, Mind and Behaviour, 13, 1-17 (pdf)
Sulikowski, D, Burke D, Havlicek, J & Roberts, S C (2015). Head-tilt and fertility contribute to different aspects of female attractiveness. Ethology, 121, 1002-1009 (pdf)
Sulikowski, D. & Burke, D. (2015). From the lab to the world: the paradigmatic assumption and the functional cognition of avian foraging. Current Zoology, 61, 328-340 (pdf)
Sulikowski, D. & Burke, D. (2015). Noisy miners plan ahead: cryptic signalling of reward location impairs search for nectar, but not for invertebrates. Animal Behaviour, 102, 149-155. (pdf)
Strutt P, Campbell L E & Burke D (2014). High anxiety levels are associated with divergent empathising and systematising tendencies. Cogent Psychology, 1, 981973 (pdf)
Burke D (2014). Why isn't everyone an Evolutionary Psychologist? Frontiers in Psychology, 5, Article 910. (pdf)
Sulikowski, D. & Burke, D. (2014). Threat is in the sex of the beholder: males find weapons faster than females. Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 888-906 (pdf)
Elsworthy, N, Burke D & Dascombe, B J (2014). Factors relating to the decision-making performance of Australian football officials. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14, 401-410. (pdf)
Elsworthy, N, Burke D, Scott B R, Stevens C J & Dascombe, B J (2014). Physical and decision-making demands of Australian football umpires during competitive matches. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28, 3502-3507. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000567
Hughes M, Sulikowski D & Burke D (2014). Correlations between spatial skills: A test of the Hunter-Gatherer hypothesis. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 19-44. (pdf)
Haythorpe K, Burke D & Sulikowski D (2014). The native versus alien dichotomy: Relative impact of native noisy miners and introduced common mynas. Biological Invasions, 16, 1659-1674. (pdf)
Bennetts, R, Kim J, Burke D, Brooks KR, Lucey S, Saragih J & Robbins R (2013). The movement advantage in famous and unfamiliar faces: A comparison of point-light displays and shape-normalized avatar stimuli. Perception, 42, 950-970. (pdf)
Burke D, Nolan C, Hayward W G, Russell R & Sulikowski D (2013). Is there an own-race preference in attractiveness? Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 855-872. (pdf)
Burke D & Sulikowski D (2013). The evolution of holistic processing of faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, article 11. (pdf)
Haythorpe, K M, Sulikowski D & Burke D (2012) Relative levels of food aggression displayed by Common Mynas when foraging with other bird species in suburbia. Emu, 112, 129-136. (pdf)
Sulikowski D & Burke D (2012) Win-shifting in nectarivorous birds: selective inhibition of the learned win-stay response. Animal Behaviour, 83, 519-524. (pdf)
Willis M L, Palermo R & Burke D, (2011). Social judgments are influenced by both facial expression and direction of eye gaze. Social Cognition, 29, 415-429. (pdf)
Sulikowski, D & Burke D (2011). Win-shift and win-stay learning in the rainbow lorikeet (trichoglossus haematodus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 125, 143-149 (pdf)
Willis M L, Palermo R & Burke D (2011). Judging approachability on the face of it: The influence of face and body expressions in the perception of approachability. Emotion, 11, 514-523. (pdf)
Sulikowski, D & Burke D (2011). Movement and memory: Different cognitive strategies are used to search for resources with different natural distributions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65, 621-631. (pdf)
Burke D & Sulikowski D (2010). A new viewpoint on the evolution of sexually dimorphic human faces. Evolutionary Psychology, 8, 573-585. (pdf)
Sulikowski, D & Burke D (2010). When a place is not a place: Encoding of spatial information is dependent on reward type. Behaviour, 147, 1461-1479. (pdf)
Willis, M L, Palermo R, Burke D, McGrillen K, Miller L (2010). Orbitofrontal cortex lesions result in abnormal social judgements to emotional faces. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2182-2187 (pdf)
Willis M L, Palermo R, Burke D, Atkinson C M & McArthur G (2010). Switching associations between facial identity and emotional expression: A behavioural and ERP study. NeuroImage, 50, 329-339 (pdf)
Sulikowski D & Burke D (2010). Reward type influences performance and search structure of an omnivorous bird in an open-field maze. Behavioural Processes, 83, 31-35. (pdf)
Burke D & Tomiczek (2009). Conditioning. Entry in T. Bayne, A. Cleeremans, & P.Wilken (Eds) The Oxford Companion to Consciousness, Oxford: OUP. ISBN13: 9780198569510 (pdf)
Campbell J & Burke D (2009). Evidence that identity-dependent and identity-independent neural populations are recruited in the perception of five basic emotional facial expressions. Vision Research, 49, 1532-1540. (pdf)
Woo, K, Burke D & Peters R (2009). Motion sensitivity of lizards: Random-dot kinematograms reveal the importance of motion noise for signal detection. Animal Behaviour, 77, 307-315. (pdf)
Bennetts, R., Burke, D., Brooks, K., Robbins, R. (2009). The Use of Dynamic Cues in Self and Familiar Face Recognition. In W. Christensen, E. Schier, and J. Sutton (Eds.), ASCS09: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science (pp. 21-27). Sydney: Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science. DOI: 10.5096/ASCS20094 (pdf)
Tomiczek C & Burke D (2008). Is implicit learning perceptually inflexible? New evidence using a simple cued reaction-time task. Learning & Motivation, 39, 95-113. (pdf)
Woo, K. L. & Burke, D. (2008). Technique for measuring speed and visual motion sensitivity in lizards. Psicológica, 29, 135-151. (pdf)
Sulikowski D & Burke D (2007). Food-specific spatial memory biases in an omnivorous bird. Biology Letters, 3, 245-248. (pdf)
Burke D, Taubert J & Higman T (2007). Are face representations viewpoint dependent? A stereo advantage for generalising across different views of faces. Vision Research, 47, 2164-2169. (pdf)
Favelle S. K. & Burke D. (2007). Attention to configural information in change detection for faces. Perception, 36, 1353 – 1367. (pdf)
Wenderoth P & Burke D (2006). Testing the tilt constancy theory of visual illusions. Perception, 35, 201-213. (pdf)
Favelle, S.K., Palmisano, S., Burke, D., & Hayward, W.G. (2006). The Role of Attention in Processing Configural and Shape Information in 3D Novel Objects. Visual Cognition, 13, 623-642. (pdf)
Favelle S K, Hayward W G, Burke D & Palmisano S (2006). The configural advantage in object change detection persists across depth rotation. Perception and Psychophysics, 68, 1243-1253. (pdf)
Burke D (2005). Combining disparate views of objects: Viewpoint costs are reduced by stereopsis. Visual Cognition, 12, 705-719. (pdf)
Keane S K, Hayward W G & Burke D. (2003). Detection of three types of changes to novel objects. Visual Cognition, 10, 101-127. (pdf)
Palmisano P, Burke D and Allison R S. (2003). Coherent global perspective jitter improves visual illusions of self-motion in depth. Perception 32, 97-110. (pdfand an erratum)
Burke D & Fulham B J. (2003). An evolved spatial memory bias in a nectar-feeding bird? Animal Behaviour, 66, 695-701. (pdf)
Burke D, Cieplucha C, Cass J, Russell F, Fry G. (2002). Win-shift and win-stay learning in the short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus). Animal Cognition, 5, 79-84. (pdf)
Burke D & Hayward W G. (2002). Two visual systems but only one theory of perception. Behavioural & Brain Sciences, 25, 100. (pdf)
Burke D, Everingham P, Rogers T, Hinton M, Hall-Aspland S (2001). Perceptual grouping in two visually reliant species; Humans (Homo sapiens) and Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea). Perception, 30, 1093-1106. (pdf)
Burke D, Roodenrys S (2000). Implicit learning in a simple cued reaction time task. Learning and Motivation, 31, 364-380. (pdf)
Burke D, Alais D, Wenderoth P, (1999). Determinants of fusion of dichoptically presented orthogonal gratings. Perception 28, 73-88. (pdf)
Alais D, Wenderoth P, Burke D, (1997). The size and number of plaid blobs mediate the misperception of type II plaid direction. Vision Research 37, 143-150. (pdf)
Alais D, Burke D, Wenderoth P, (1996). Further evidence for monocular determinants of perceived plaid direction. Vision Research 36, 1247-1253. (pdf)
Alais D, Wenderoth P, Burke D, (1994). The contribution of 1-D motion mechanisms to the perceived direction of drifting plaids and their aftereffects. Vision Research 34, 1823-1834. (pdf)
Burke D, Alais D, Wenderoth P, (1994). A role for a low-level mechanism in determining plaid coherence. Vision Research 34, 3189-3196. (pdf)
Wenderoth P, Alais D, Burke D, van der Zwan R, (1994). The role of the 'blobs' in determining the perception of drifting plaids and their motion aftereffects. Perception 23, 1163-1169. (pdf)
Burke D, Wenderoth P, (1993). The effect of interactions between one-dimensional component gratings on two-dimensional motion perception. Vision Research 33, 343-350. (pdf)
Burke D, Wenderoth P, (1993). Determinants of two-dimensional motion aftereffects induced by simultaneously- and alternately-presented plaid components. Vision Research 33, 351-359. (pdf)
Burke D, Wenderoth P, (1989). Cyclopean tilt aftereffects can be induced monocularly: Is there a purely binocular process? Perception 18, 471-482. (pdf)